
Latest non veg whatsapp jokes

Latest non veg whatsapp jokes

There are these three women A redhead a brunette and a blonde. And they start to talk about their daughters. The red head says "you know i caught my daughter with cigars i did not know she smoked!" then the brunette says " I know! i found booze in my daughters room i didnt know mine drank!" then the blonde says.."OMG i like totally know where ur coming form OMG, i found like these these ummm condoms!? in my daughters room...like OMG i didnt know she had *whispers* a penisssss"
A New Perspective. 
If you have slept with more than 5 women, you have no right to call your organ a "Private Part"!

Boy: I love you
Airtel 4G Girl: Ye Lo Tumhara Bachha
Boy: Ye To Cheating Hai
Airtel 4G Girl: Cheating Nahi Yaar 4G Hai, Iss Se Fast Bachha Mile To Life Time Chodna Free!

Girl: After an orgasm, I like to kiss and cuddle, then fall asleep in each others arms. What about you?
Boy: I usually delete my browsing history and throw the tissues away.
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